Levers And simple machines

                                     About the three orders of levers   

What is a machine?    
An object which helps us to do work easily is called a machine.
What does a machine do?
In our everyday life we take advantage of all kinds of machines, from toasters to T.Vs. But for a scientist, a machine is a device that makes life easier by reducing the needed to move something.
Example of a Machine

What are the simple machines?
   Pulley,Inclined plane, screw jack and wedge are the simple machines
Example of a simple machine- pulley

What is a lever?
A lever is a simple machine that makes it easier to move a load. If a rod is fixed at one point, but is free to swivel, it is a lever.
What does a lever do?  

Lever helps us to transfer the force applied at one end to the other end. It also changes the direction of force.
  How many and what are the types of levers?

There are three types of levers. They are:

1. First order Lever: The Fulcrum Is between the load and Effort Example: Scissors, See-saw, Crow-bar.
See-saw,First order Lever

First Order Lever

  2. Second order lever: The load is in the center.Example: Lemon squeezer, bottle opener, Wheel barrow  
Lemon squeezer-Second order lever

Second order Lever


  3. Third Order Lever: The Effort is in the center.Example: Broom stick,Forceps,Appala Idukki.

Third Order Lever.
Forceps-Third order lever


  Who Discovered This Three orders of Levers?
 Who said the word ''Eureka,Eureka''? Who Discovered Relative Density and The principle of Elevator?      A Famous Greek Philosopher Archimedes Discovered The three orders of levers.
When He discovered this three orders of lever He said '' Give me a place to stand on and I will move the earth''.

Archimedes-c.287 B.C-c.212 B.C.
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